4 definitions by bryan clopton

A person who is always complaining about the enviroment and advising you to do something progressive or for the greater good.
"Hey, stop littering your twinkie wrappers!" "Take it easy, Captain Planet."
by bryan clopton April 10, 2007
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Acronym for Attention Deficit DJ. Anyone who plays a new song before the song playing is finished. Most of the time the ADDJ is using an iPod.
"Let the song play! Don't be an ADDJ!"
by bryan clopton April 10, 2007
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Any man or woman in a suit that is always in a hurry and in a huff and are usually rude and push the revolving doors too fast.
"Some Rush Hour on the train this morning shoved me as he was leaving!"
by bryan clopton April 10, 2007
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A person who makes a sucker out of another person, often a member of the oppisite sex.
Molina's hot, dude, but remember: She's a suckermaker.
by bryan clopton June 15, 2007
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