1 definition by brianna brianna

where do you even start with........ seth ? he is the most collest person you will ever meet your bound to like him an or fall in love with him he is.......... so many words to describe like ... funny , he will make you lagh so hard , smart.... bit of a goof but soo smart and of course loves books haha he is.... cute maybey most people dont think but when you meet him you are sure to fall for him... he is an amazing person witch most people dont see about him but is absolutley true..... and he dosnt realize whn some one like him witcth makes him clue less but he will get the picture eventually when he sees the long ass definition that is here but imma stop before it gets to long....... oh ! and when you feel down you can count on him to cheer you up ! and can act gay at times but its halarious !
person 1: hey that guy seth is completlly clueless!

person : im sure he will figure it out when he sees this so dont worry !
by brianna brianna October 18, 2011
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