1 definition by breeder jim

When a man finds a woman to marry and make into a housewife to start a family with, keeping her pregnant and at home so taking care of child becomes her job while the man goes out to provide for his family
A dress wearing pregnant housewife hands each man a beer, smiles and goes back to the kitchen to cook dinner.

Mike: "Man I need a woman like that. Howd you manage to get so lucky."

Jim: "Trick is to just keep her knocked up. Keeps her at home taking care of me and the kids and running the household. She loves being a stay at home mom."

Mike: "Yeah but dont you want her to go out and work?"

Jim: "I like having her at home with the kids. Besides shes only gotten more beautiful since I've kept her barefoot and pregnant."

Mike: "I think I'm gonna have to find a woman to make barefoot and pregnant too."
by breeder jim April 18, 2015
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