1 definition by borahae7
You are no fun
The origin of this phrase "you got no jams" comes from korean word "재미 (jaemi)" which means "fun". Jaemi and jams sound familiar, so Rap Monster put jams instead of Jaemi in the sentence making it funnier.
P.S : In korean, "you got no jams" is "너 재미없어 (neo jaemi obseo)"
The origin of this phrase "you got no jams" comes from korean word "재미 (jaemi)" which means "fun". Jaemi and jams sound familiar, so Rap Monster put jams instead of Jaemi in the sentence making it funnier.
P.S : In korean, "you got no jams" is "너 재미없어 (neo jaemi obseo)"
by borahae7 September 11, 2014