1 definition by bigbarker44

1. Historically: A german Nazi who imprisoned Jews in concentration camps during World War 2. Though it was likely that this specific indivual had a last name, it is not on record. Saibek was recognized for being especially cruel during his time, which is the reason for the word being found as offensive in our world today.

2. A slang term for someone who is cruel beyond the range of what most people can even imagine. Often found as being very offensive, especially by those who follow Judaism.

3. The King of Dragonmaw in World of Warcraft (an MMORPG). Who was accused of ninjaing The Barman Shanker. Many players found his name to be extremely offensive given their Jewish backgrounds. However, Blizzard Entertainment did not show the sympathy to give him a name change. During the end of the Saibek era, he was found spamming on the forums. He even managed at one time to take up an entire page with his posts only.
You're grandfather is a Saibek!
by bigbarker44 June 26, 2009
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