1 definition by big_bro_of_seb

The best most awesome Girlfriend a guy could ever ask for, she respects you as a person, she is fun to be around, and you just want to be with her every second of the day. Has great taste in clothes and guys. any smart guy goes nuts over her.

people often address her as intelligent, beautiful, sexy, perfect, adorable, cute, understanding, trustworthy, and just someone who is absolutely perfect.

Her spunkyness and amazing personality may sometimes be taken for being too awesome but she truly is an amazing girlfriend who you would love to (but never will) be with.

if you do ever get a Shellyn you truly are very very very lucky guy to have her.
yo josh is spending every second with that new girl

ya cause shes Shellyn how couldn't you
by big_bro_of_seb April 9, 2011
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