1 definition by bf42

The slightly depressing sequel to the popular Twilight, written by Stephenie Meyer in which Edward(Bella's true love who just happens to be a 'vegetarian' vampire) leaves her and Bella(who is barely holding on to sanity) befriends Jacob Black(a werewolf) is stalked by a vengeful vampire named Victoria(whose mate, James, was killed in the first book). Edward thinks(through miscommunication) that Bella has killed herself and tries to get himself murdered but(luckily) Bella intercedes and they return home.
Twilight-crazed teen girl: "OMG!!! I just finished New Moon!!! It was so sad!!! I can't believe that he left her!!! Well, at least they are back with each other... I wonder what will happen in Eclipse!!!
by bf42 August 12, 2008
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