1 definition by beenroundthefire

(a.k.a. Independent Movie Moment) a moment in time at which one feels like they are or should be in an independent film similar to the likes of, for example, Juno or Napoleon Dynamite. these are typically everyday situations in grocery stores, Rite-Aid, 24-hour stores, fast food drive-thrus, food courts, malls, and certain small towns, and either when you should be in school or late at night. crappy music is often in the background.

upon such a moment arising, you then declare "I.M.M." (pronounced simply as 'imm').
1. Standing at the ChillZone machine at Cumby's around midnight in a flannel shirt and with 79 pennies in your hand trying to decide what flavor to get. Crappy 80's music playing in background.

2. "Remember when we drove up to the window at McDonald's and our old principle was the one working there?"

"Yeah that was such an I.M.M."
by beenroundthefire December 7, 2009
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