1 definition by barbra manitee.

Small town of Dayton, Washington. A place where The Crazies could have possibly been filmed. Contains only one street light that most of the time doesn't work. People there are all whores. They cheat on their husbands and get divorces, and then just go hang out in the bar because of their miserable lives. Teen pregnancies are very high because most students just drop out of high school in their class of 28. Why would you go to college? There's plently of farmland, and plenty of penises to ride with plenty of hairy beer bellies attached. But there are some good sides to it. The hills are pretty.
"So you're from Dayton? Does that mean you live on a farm?"
"No you dumbass."
"So you're pregnant?"
"No you dumbass."
"So you've done nothing with your life?"

Dude, Dayton sucks.
by barbra manitee. April 13, 2011
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