1 definition by average dictionary asian

It is mainly used for an insult - ''du ma/ duma = fuck your mother''. However if they used this (du ma) along the side with an compliment, this means that your outfit, shoes, etc... (the thing that caught their eyes ) is so astonishing, marvelous, gorgeous that they have no words left to say but just beside a swear word.
Pronounced as : '' Doo mah'' but with a strong accent and press.
Synonym : Most likely would be ''Dit me'' or variations '' Du ma + may''/ Dit me ''may''
May used short, like this : Dm, Dmm, Đm, Đmm
''David Nguyen : Du ma is that brand new Air Forces, Micheal?!?''
''Micheal : Yea bro how would you guess?''
''David Nguyen : Du ma its shining on yo foot bruh''
by average dictionary asian September 17, 2022
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