1 definition by ap2212gh

A Bünzli is a conservative Swiss man.

-is named Urs, Hans, Hansjörg, Kurt, Paul, Ueli or Sepp
-prays 5 times a day to Christoph Blocher
-his favorite songs are "Welcome to SVP" and the Swiss anthem

-says "gopferdammi" (goddammit) when he is upset
-French and Italian speaking Swiss aren't Swiss to him
-SRF (Swiss Radio and Television) are his CNN (Fake News!)
- hates people from cities
-doesn't speak English or only with a strong accent (search "ueli maurer cnn" for an example)
-Oh look at that guy with the Edelweiss-shirt over there!
-Yeah, that's a real Bünzli!
by ap2212gh October 20, 2019
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