2 definitions by angrygnome

A fucking pissed off garden gnome that hopes to rule the world one day by developing a way to stab someone in the face with a rusty fork over the internet via a web portal.
OMFG, I can't wait till that angrygnome site adds the stab you in the face button to their home page so I can stab you in the fucking face you fux0r.
by angrygnome November 15, 2006
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A fucking pissed off garden gnome that hopes to rule the world one day by developing a way to stab someone in the face with a rusty fork over the internet via a web portal.
OMFG, I can't wait till that angrygnome site adds the stab you in the face button to their home page so I can stab you in the fucking face you fux0r.
by angrygnome November 16, 2006
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