1 definition by angelvoice

A sweetheart type of guy that his name had the audacity to combine Keith and Treyvon together. He has the swagger of a Leo and a chivalric man with a hint of Prince Charming . He will claim what is his and never let you go if he chooses you as your mate; although his nature is very flirtatious no matter who he compliments or flirts with, he is always bound to you and will come back to you with all of his heart that us meant only for you. He is easily jealous if you are close to any other male. He is the one that deserves and needs your attention always. His heart is big, pure, and kind. A great father figure, lover, friend, soul-mate; that will forever protect his loved ones and will do so with loyalty, honor and respect. Also he enjoys sushi, chips shaken in hotsauce, and apparently Asians -_-
Kiefton held me tight to let me know that he would be there for me no matter what.
by angelvoice May 21, 2014
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