1 definition by anal del rayy

A girl who is beautiful, all the boys want her. She is a little horn dog though. She likes to fuck and have sex all day and get eaten out all through the night. But she is most likely a virgin. McKinley says the word nigger a lot. She sometimes likes the black dick. But prefers white nigs. Mckinley is very athletic and dresses with a lot of swag and knows how to brighten any of your days. If you have a mckinley in your life be thankful. She is the funniest person you'll ever meet. You will love Mckinley.
"Yo, did hear about Mckinley and that nigger fucking?"

"McKinley is my bestfriend and she is funny"

"I heard McKinley Doesn't like anal"
by anal del rayy February 16, 2013
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