1 definition by anabolic a

one who uses subtle persuasion techniques and passive aggrassive behavior to manipulate other while taking the high road to self-righteous indignation.

these "psychic vampires" usually misuse the term when labeling someone a psychic vampire and are typically the real psychic vampires themselves.
Good Dude: "Hey, since I made coffee yesterday so it could be ready for you once you got ready, would you put a pot on while I hop in the shower?"

Real Psychic Vampire: "Fuck you, you psychic vampire, you only did something nice for me yesterday so I would be in your pocket today and could guilt me into making you coffee!"

GD: "Dude, you asked me yesterday the same way I'm asking you today, as a nice favor, but whatever man, if you're going to get bent out of shape I can just make my own when I'm out. (under breath: Paranoid Fuck.)"

RPV: "Fine, Psychic Vampire."
by anabolic a August 26, 2006
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