1 definition by alpinestar84

hil-ar-i-a pronounced (hill-lair-ee-uh)
- noun

1. Archaic: amusing or humourous air, as from that recently passed through by roflcopters, roflplanes or by persons wearing lollerskates etc…

Etymology: from the former notion that it was caused by the air that is or was recently, within close proximity of such humourous objects. hil aria, funny air: see hilarious air

2. Pathology: an infectious laughter, generally prolonged and uncontrollable, caused by yet undefined, but extremely funny and boisterously joyous microscopic animals that occupy red blold cells, transmitted to humans by mosquitlols (see also: lolsquito). It is characterised mainly by rofling, loling or where one ltao (see: lmao) or any other variant of these symptoms. Hilaria is typically associated with urinary and/or fecal incontinence (see: lmaopmpappa)
Person 1: OMG what is wrong with Steveo? He's can't stop laughing, he's wet himself and it smells like he may have soiled himself also...

Person 2: That's hilariously disgusting. He must have Hilaria...

Person 3: Yeah, he does...he got bitten by a mosquitlol.
by alpinestar84 January 13, 2009
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