3 definitions by allam2342

A song (usually one that you don't want to hear) that plays in your head for the rest of the day after you hear it. There is often some part of the song that is addictive to the brain, which may be the beat, the melody, or the lyrics.

Best ways to get rid of an earworm include replacing it with another song, or listening to songs other than the one that is stuck (just try not to think about it).
Me: (just listening to the car radio, enjoying the music)
*Pink's "What About Us" begins to play*
by allam2342 January 25, 2018
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Common and very frustrating error on the Internet. Basically a website's way of making you wait. Things to do when you get error 500 include watching a movie, playing a video game from start to finish, or (if it's almost bedtime anyway) falling asleep.
Not the Error 500 again!! I've lost all my patience!!!!
by allam2342 February 11, 2018
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An image, sound, or other thought (usually one that you don't want to think about) that gets stuck in your mind. The best way to get rid of a brainworm is to replace it with something else (just don't think about your current stuck thought, though).

A brainworm is different from an earworm in that an earworm is a song that gets stuck in your head, while a brainworm is anything that gets stuck in your head.
I have a brainworm. I can't stop thinking about the disturbing meme I saw last night.
by allam2342 January 28, 2018
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