1 definition by ajjdhrbtojo

The boy's name Stephen \s-te-phen\ is pronounced STEE-ven, STEF-en. It is of Greek origin, and its meaning is "crown, garland". Variant of Stephanos. Biblical: Stephen was the first Christian martyr. Common until the late 18th century. Stefan is a German, Scandinavian, and Slavic form. Steffan and Steffon (STEH-fen) are Welsh forms. Actors Stephen Colins, Steve Martin, Steve McQueen, Steve Buscemi; songwriter Stephen Foster; physicist Stephen Hawking; author Stephen King; filmmaker Steven Spielberg; musician Stevie Wonder; computer entrepreneur Steven Jobs; film director Stephen Daldry
Steffan's ae super ougoing and very sexy.
by ajjdhrbtojo February 5, 2010
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