1 definition by abraham molina

a hustler is a person that hustles regardles of height, gender, economic status,ethnicity,in other words for some mothatfuckas that dont understand,a person regardless of where hes from or where he's at in any given moment can hustle anyone for anything.theres white,black,latino,asian,...not only a hoddlum hustles.example george bush is a hustler.network marketing is a hustle.donald trump is a hustler.and so on.prostitutes hustle.drug dealers hustle.many types of hustle.
when you walk down an inner city street and you see hookers standing,theres hustler prostitutes and tired prostitudes.the hustler one dances trys to grab your hand or strikes a good conversation,shes enthusiastic.the tired pro does non.hustler not a hustler.
by abraham molina March 24, 2005
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