2 definitions by a really evil person

Innocent bystander: A siren! That must mean there has been a fire.

Criminal: A siren! I'd better run!
by a really evil person March 9, 2006
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Something that can never possibly exist due to the deep-rooted feud between ninjas and pirates. And also because ninjas and pirates are so played out already that if someone were to create a pirate ninja, it would be some kind of horrible clichéd supermonster that would not only knock you down with its peg-leg but would also give you a roundhouse kick to the face if you crossed its path.
Poor Johnny didn't even have a chance to defend himself when he accidentally stumbled upon a pirate ninja. But luckily since pirate ninjas can't exist, Johnny was thrown into an alternate parallel universe before the ninja pirate was able to attack.
by a really evil person March 9, 2006
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