1 definition by _Name.Dictionary_

Deseray is a kind hearted person. She will love and respect you as long as you respect her. She loves to help people out.Compared to other girls her personality might be the thing having you fall for her.Her eyes are most likely brighter then most peopes eyes.She has beautiful eyes and beautiful body shape.Deseray can also tend to be more shy and not start conversation with a random person. So if youre waiting for her to start a conversation with you,it might not happen. She is so beautiful and kind. If she develops a crush on you she will either aviod you at all costs or want you by her side 24/7. She tends to be very emotional and sentimental. If you break her heart she most likely will have a hard time getting over you even if you guys weren’t dating. People with the name Deseray make great partners. They will always show affection. She will stick by youre side through thick and thin. She will always be exited or hapoy to see you. If you have a Deseray in youre life youre lucky to have such a wonderul person.
Random Guy#1- Yo, Deseray is so fine
Random Guy#2- Yo dude she has a boyfriend
Random Guy#1- Dam he is so lucky to have a girl like her
by _Name.Dictionary_ December 9, 2021
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