1 definition by Zuki-kun

Your soul mate is the person you love unconditionally with all your heart. Just the sight of them makes your heart beat wildly and your stomache do backflips. While being in their presence fills you with a bliss that nothing else can give you.

The moment you are no longer in their presence the world seemingly turns dull and grey lacking its former luster, while your heart feels empty, without purpose, and your energy levels crash in the same way they do after an adrenaline, sugar and/or caffeine high.
Soul mates are people you can trust with your life, forgive without any explanation, love with your whole being, and grow old with. They are that one person it breaks your heart to say good bye to even if you are seperated for only moments...
Simply put your soul mate is the person life gives you to love and cherish with your whole heart and soul, they are the missing piece completing your life that you never want to let go of.
"Look at that cute old couple sharing an umbrella...."
"They seem so happy together..."
"They must be soul mates!"

Girl: "....can I stab him with my knife now...?" ψ(`∇´)ψ
Boy: "No dear, he's not worth getting your pretty hands dirty.... I'll just tase him for you~" (^^)
Girl: "But that means you get all the fun!!" (>^<)
Guest: "You two are phsycipathic soul mates from hell!!!" Σ(・□・;)
by Zuki-kun September 11, 2013
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