1 definition by Zomi girl,

A POC (most of the time Asian or African) who act white and mostly distance themselves from their culture to more act more “American” such as enjoying chicken nuggets and “American foods” instead of eating Phó and they call it “disgusting”. If they’re Asian, they’ll most likely forget the language and instead speak English and have trouble holding up conversations with their elder immigrant family members because they can’t speak their native language and completely “whitewashed” themselves by only speaking English, even to their parents. They will also be racist to their own racist just for laughs , it’s different from someone making jokes of their own race cause whitewashed people will act as if they’re not that race. Example: An Asian person talking in an “Asian accent” to prove their “Asian” and will allow others to do the same. They’ll also be ashamed of their last name or name in general if its a cultural name such as : Wong (Chinese), Ambhom (Thai) , Baghdadi (Arabic) . Mainly because it’s hard to pronounce and it shows their face and they fear to be bullied or they’ll complain about why they got a “hard last name” . Not knowing that when their parents moved to America, the last name the only thing they could bring with them from their Native country.
Anjali: UGH! Why do I have to have an Indian first name? Why couldn’t have my parents gave me a white name?! And I hate Vada Pav, it’s so disgusting! Why can’t my parents give me American foods, like Mac and cheese?! I hate it when my Grandma speaks to me in Hindi! Why can’t
She speak English?

Me: Stfu u dumb piece of whitewashed shit. Be proud of who you are, you’re parents are working hard to make a better life for you in America, but that doesn’t mean you can just want to be white. Being Indian and a POC is a special thing and you need to embrace it because of you don’t, years old culture and language are going to end.
Anjali: …
by Zomi girl, July 31, 2023
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