1 definition by ZeroLegion


A meme character prevalent in Korean gaming communities or Korean gaming board, particularly on platforms like Arcalive, Discord and so on. It's part of the NIKKE: Goddess of Victory game often used as emoji and meme spam in chats. Additionally, it serves as a creative tool for fans to recreate other characters from the same game or different ones, all in the iconic shape of "Doro."

The character behind is Dorothy from the mobile/PC game called NIKKE:Goddess of Victory.

The most explanatory thing for the appearance of Doro is that artists saw that Dorothy is cute but actually psychotic (NIKKE main story and Over Zone Event). Dorothy possesses a deceptive cuteness masking her psychotic and scheming nature, the meme transformed her into a chaotic and mischievous "gremlin" figure. Also, turning a character as psychotic and deranged as Dorothy into a poorly drawn and comedic meme is simply funny.

It's origin name from Korea community, 도로롱(Dororong) and for short Doro for global community.
It's doroover for us!

We are going over a Doro invasion!

Introducing... Doroverse...


gtfo my room doro!
by ZeroLegion April 11, 2024
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