3 definitions by Zeeboss276

Feeling awesome whilst having a lung disease caused from quartz dust
by Zeeboss276 September 28, 2022
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-- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .. ... / .- / ... .--. . -.-. .. ..-. .. -.-. / - -.-- .--. . / --- ..-. / .-.. .- -. --. ..- .- --. . / - .... .- - / .... .- ... / -... . . -. / ..- ... . -.. / - --- / -.-. --- -- -- ..- -. .. -.-. .- - . / -... . ..-. --- .-. . / -... . .. -. --. / .- -... .-.. . / - --- / - .-. .- -. ... -- .. - / ...- --- .. -.-. . ... / ...- .. .- / -- .. -.-. .-. --- .--. .... --- -. . ...
I dare anyone to translate the name and definition using -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
by Zeeboss276 August 17, 2022
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A UK game show that's been airing since 1982, where 2 contestants face off to get the most points. In the letters rounds, one of the contestants picks a vowel (a, e, i, o or u) or a consonant (any letter that isn't a, e , i, o and u). After 9 letters are on the board, the contestants have 30 seconds to come up with the biggest possible word that appears on the board. In the numbers round, the same thing occurs but Instead, they pick from either small (1-10) or large (25, 50, 75, or 100) numbers. After 6 numbers are picked, a random target is displayed. The 2 contestants then have the same amount of time to get as close to the target as possible without using the numbers twice (unless there's 2 of the same number on the board) and only using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In the final round called the Countdown Conundrum, 9 jumbled up letters (kinda like the letter rounds) are revealed and can form a 9 letter word. If either contestant get it right, they are awarded 10 points and possibly winning the game. If the person that buzzes in get it wrong, the other contestant has the remaining time to buzz in. If both get it wrong, then the person with the highest score wins automatically, but if tied, another conundrum is revealed.
Richard Whiteley will forever be known as Mr. Countdown
by Zeeboss276 May 2, 2022
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