2 definitions by Zaeda

Alinav pronounced (ollie-ahh-Ona-vee) is the most inviting, funny, creative and most interesting person you’ll ever meet. The first time you meet her she will change your life completely by bringing more positivity into your life and making you smile more and more by each day. She is a “hold you down” type of female and won’t let you go for nothing. She is also a great singer, great actorress, and more importantly a great person. Only a few like her come around in a million years!
“Shoot why can’t I have Alinav in my life, she would make a great soulmate for this long journey called life”
by Zaeda July 4, 2018
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She's is a open minded person with big potential and a lot of goals, she sets high standards for herself and loves to use her time to explore the world, she doesn't judge anybody even though she's pretty much perfect but she doesn't see it much, she's awesome person to be around and to be with and likes cringe worthy stuff
Wow, you know that girl in the hallway, she's so Zaeda
by Zaeda November 28, 2016
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