2 definitions by Yup_itz_bubbly-me_521

An amazing person who will make your day brighter. Even with her high-pitched voice, she will never be annoying. She is smart and funny. She is usually very shy when it comes to adults, but when it's just you and her she will definitely say what is on her mind. (CATS) She will have a boyfriend who's name starts with a N and ends with a N. She will eat her chips with chopsticks and be ticklish almost everywhere. Her socks will be better than yours and she is a fast runner. And even though she will do stupid things that will embarrass the heck out of you, you'll always stay by her side. I couldn't ask for a better friend. Btw, don't even freaking try, you freaking piece of heaven!! <3 <3 <3
Man, we come up with the best inside jokes, me and Cassara.
by Yup_itz_bubbly-me_521 April 6, 2017
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ryan: dang look out
michael: i think kiely kiely likes you
evan: oh honky donks
connor: i think you're right
nathan: here she comes
zach: yo what the frick guys shut up my leg hurts and i'm trying to study einstein
by Yup_itz_bubbly-me_521 March 17, 2019
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