1 definition by Yulianne

One of the greatest countries in the world, filled with nice people and beautiful that you are not gonna find in any other country, EVER.

Well, many ignorants think that we are all about drugs, violence, guerrilla and fake-ass bitches, but we aren't, and that fake image media have been showing for years of our conutry couldn't be more stupid.

It piss us off that some ignorants ask us if we do speak english, or if we live under rocks, of if we have some coke of if we eat burritos!!!OMG!!! we're not beasts neither dealers nor mexicans!!!What the fuck is wrong with you people? We're just as good as anyone and we don't need more ignorants talkin shit about us, but i you wanna do it, we won't kill you, we're not getting to your level.We'll you laugh until you learn thata the world is more than just banalities.
Clobian???hahahaha..that's just way to pathetic!!!Colombia just rocks, no examples are needed!!!Viava colombia papá!!
by Yulianne July 27, 2005
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