2 definitions by Yourstruly111

A charming character, with a big heart. Always willing to help, his kindness has no bounds. He is always considerate, values other people and takes their feelings into consideration. He has a very flirty romantic side and a serious down to business side. Tends to make a lot of dad jokes, he has a very interesting sense of humour, he’ll definitely make you smile. He’s definitely the kind of guy, your parents would like to meet. If you find yourself an amaljith treasure him, he’s one in a million a very rare piece.
Watch out amaljith coming through
by Yourstruly111 November 24, 2021
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A charming character, with a big heart. Always willing to help, his kindness has no bounds. He is always considerate, values other people and takes their feelings into consideration. He has a very flirty romantic side and a serious down to business side. Tends to make a lot of dad jokes, he has a very interesting sense of humour, he’ll definitely make you smile. He’s definitely the kind of guy, your parents would like to meet. If you find yourself an amaljith treasure him, he’s one in a million a very rare piece.
Watch out amaljith coming through
by Yourstruly111 November 24, 2021
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