1 definition by Your not original, at all.

Whilst generally described as young persons with a dress sense straight out of an 3rd world rip-off shop, a nasty lack of hygiene and an inability to enunciate the end of their words (bruffa, weaffa, picha); their name "eshay" is a formed from pig Latin, whereby they take the first consonant and add it to the end with 'ay', (possibly to overcome that suffix issue mentioned earlier). Pig latin might've been cool with the kids in the early 80s but could only be described as lame now.
Eshay1 "got any nangs bruf?"

Eshay2 "nah (taking out a glass bbq), but this shit's insane brah"

Eshay1 "fk yeah lad, reckon a stint in the dention centre would be killa brah"
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