1 definition by YoungLongjohn

Verb. The act of aggressively inserting oneself into the conversation and life of ones peers. Venting is used to describe the act of joining a conversation without being invited. Venting is also usually negative and argumentative in nature. A signature venting move is to stand silently over one's shoulder going unnoticed until an opportune moment to interject with a negative comment.
JP: Did you guys hear about that new movie, Dumb and Dumber 2?
Jimbo: Yeah man! That movie looks tight. You and me should definitely go see it!
JP: Yeah man! Let's do it. I think there is a showing tonight at 7. Maybe we could meet up at the mcmen-
Gary: -That movie seems forced... I don't think it's going to be good. It just looks stupid to me. (leaves)
JP: Wow. That kid is always "venting" on our conversations. Such a hater.
by YoungLongjohn August 6, 2014
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