1 definition by Young Tender

(1)A fine YOUNG Man who is obviously too young for a Real Woman to be involved with. Age difference of maybe 6-12 years (i.e) Woman: Age 27 Tender Age 19 (2) One whose order at McDonald's would probably be Chicken Nuggets with an orange soda
Guy: (smiling)Hey Ma! How you doin today? You lookin all fine, can I call you later on?

Girl: (blushing) Oh that's so sweet!...You look kinda young for me, How old are you?

Guy: Aww Baby, I'm a grown ass man. I'll be 22 in December

Girl: (laughing) Awwww! Your'e still a chicken tender. Can I buy you a Happy Meal or something? LOL
by Young Tender July 11, 2008
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