1 definition by Yo wag1 mans peppa pig stiw

Leah Austin is a beta male species of Orangutan. There characteristics consists of having red/ginger hair, having a urine-like odour, doesn't accomodate eyebrows and has clusters of freckles. They usually like to hang out in groups containing either smelly pakis or irrelevant people. Since they hang around in groups, these animals are very dangerous to handle so they're usually put in Zoos and kept in Solitary Confinement. This usually causes the Leah Austin species to get depressed and self harm. If these animals are not handled correctly, the urine-like odour will grow stronger and make the magnetic field to shift causing it to destroy the superconductivity and cause a Critical Field which will collapse the atmosphere and leave everyone exposed to incredible doses of radiation (Roughly around 2-3 sieverts per hour(this amount of radiation can cause 1/10 people to die within 1 hour of being exposed)). This will result in everyone receiving stage 4 cancer and literally rotting to death.
*at the zoo* Ricardo: "Yoo Liam! You know that Leah Austin c:? They're dangerous animals you know." Liam: "I know! If you get up close to them, they sometimes smell like urine."
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