2 definitions by Yellow Trenchcoat

A ''empath' who has repeatedly done {blackface} in the past, justified paedophilia as well as making fun of {Tati Wesbrook } for being a victim of sexual assault. As well as this he had to get his fiance to fight battles on Twitter as he is to much of a pussy to do it himself. Empath Shane then made an apology video using the excuse that he was not in a good place at the time of all these proven allagations while also adressing nothing serious. People used to like Shane but with the resurge of {BLM} all his bullshit came bubbling to the surface to join what is known as 2020. Shane Dawsons' legacy went from a succesful and funny youtuber to a racist pedo. Did I also mentions he is friends with {Jefree Star}, 'It Gets Worse' takes on a new meaning.
Person 1-' I love Shane Dawson'.
Person 2- 'He pretended to jerk of to a poster of an 11 year old'.
Person 1 - 'Imma head out'.
by Yellow Trenchcoat July 5, 2020
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A sector of the {NHS} in the {U.K} dedicated to help children through mental health it actually does nothing of the sort only adding to the problems.

On entering any private room to discuss your issues instead expect a plethora of sheets adorned with smiley and frowning faces to document your 'feelings' and woman who says 'I understand love' every 5 seconds. As well as this expect to be denied anyone actually giving you a mental heath evaluation, instead they'll try straight up tell you that your issues are all fucking made up before dismissing you.

Another commom tactic is sometimes refferring to other children in your appointment making you feel as if your problems pale in comparison to the 8 year old seeing dead people like Cole from The Sixth Sense}.

Did I mention the 3 YEAR long waiting list?
Person 1: 'Hey Sammantha just got back from Oxleas in Greenwich.'
Person 2: ' She said she won't ever go back there.'
Person 1: 'Why?'
Person 2: 'Apparently she went there and was supposed to be evaluated to see if immediate medical attention was neccesary but instead she spent 2 hours waiting and then 30 minutes talking to a woman who kept bringing up her 14 year old patient, so unstable she had to be monitered 24 hours a day.'
Person 2: 'I dont blame her'
by Yellow Trenchcoat July 4, 2020
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