2 definitions by Yellofeva


1. A genre of Electronic Dance Music that is made by fusing elements of trap/rap with elements of DnB/Jungle. The name is a portmanteau of 'Crunk' and 'Jungle'. Crunglists are known for their penchant for tracks that are too heavy for trap nights and too "not proper Drum n Bass" for DnB parties.

2. The name of the next Doctor Werewolf EP, coming soon.
Man that Doctor Werewolf mofo plays some crazy crungle.
by Yellofeva July 17, 2014
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1. A genre of Electronic Dance Music that is made by fusing elements of trap/rap with elements of DnB/Jungle. The name is a portmanteau of 'Crunk' and 'Jungle'. Crunglists are known for their penchant for tracks that are too heavy for trap nights and too "not proper Drum n Bass" for DnB parties.

2. The name of the next Doctor Werewolf EP, coming soon.
Man that Doctor Werewolf mofo plays some crazy crungle.
by Yellofeva July 17, 2014
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