2 definitions by Yeha Brother

The act of "shoving" or strategically placing your flaccid/semi-plump penis into an already stale vagina. This simulates stuffing smelly, wrinkled cloths into a duffel bag that's too small. This uninspired state of one's floppy member is known by many names. However ,this concentrates solely on act, of "Dufflin'"
Lizzy- "Is it...?...Is it in?....."

(Troy's inner monologue- "........I'm just gunna Duffel Bag-it.....she won't know the difference, especially after that Xanax kicks in.")

Troy - "uhm........Gettin' there......."(intermittent breaths, dripping sweat, chapped lips and dry pussy)

Duffel Baggin'-it
by Yeha Brother April 20, 2021
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Fictional and metaphorical noun (place) that refers to the act of having sex doggy style, and the noises associated with said position. The "Plop", is the rhythmic noise caused by the forceful contact of flesh during sex (doggy style). Mostly used as Onomatopoeia.

"Ploptown" refers to one's confidence in having sex with a potential partner. Refer to example.
Ex. 1. "After our date, I took her to Ploptown."
Ex. 2. (Audible Sound/Onomatopoeia)"Plop Plop THOP PLOP
by Yeha Brother November 7, 2023
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