1 definition by Yamilfaiamf

Italian for Gods. Deglie is a very strong, independent, and nonchalant guy. He faces all of his problems alone, and won’t let anyone help him unless it’s the absolute last resort. He doesn’t regret his past because he knows that’s what shaped him into what he is now. Though his past has made him keep his guard up, and until he finds his one person to help him it’ll stay that way. When he loves he loves hard and won’t let go. He will always ask what he can do to fix any problem him and his s/o will have, though unless told to talk about it he will keep whatever’s bothering him to himself. He is very mature and bold, so he will most likely say whatever is on his mind. He doesn’t know how to fully express his emotions except for anger until he can find someone who can help him calm down. He loves fighting and playing video games about war or fighting, and he’s a geek for at least 1 movie series.

Overall, at first Deglie seems like a mean, nonchalant, violent guy with anger issues.
When you get to know him he’s funny, independent, but has walls built up.
Now if you’re his special person, he’s caring, puts you on one of the highest pedestals, and he’s a big ass baby that will never let you go.
“Deglie is a bully

“You only see that cause you don’t really know him. He’s the best guy a girl can ever get.”
by Yamilfaiamf September 5, 2022
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