1 definition by Xixou

Someone who has a forbidden love of a female (often a teacher). Also lacks any sort of style, failing to choose any fashionable clothes and sporting hairstyles that get worse as each week goes by. Also has a cum stain on the back of his head earning him the name "cum head".

Often sleeps with hookers who other people pay for since they feel sorry for him and his inability to attract members of the opposite sex. Proceeds to deny such acts.

Goes out every Friday and drinks to drown his sorrows.

Also known for spending large amounts of times on internet forums making pretend friends.
"Hey bunter! You're such a cum head!"

"Ewww... did you hear about bunter? He slept with a spanish hooker!"

"Bunter gets hard over hunter."

"When Bunter has sex with a hooker he closes his eyes and thinks of Ms Hunter."

"Bunter thinks stargate is cool"
by Xixou October 3, 2006
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