3 definitions by Woody Tobias, Jr.

When the male inserts both testicles into the female's vagina or anus.
We were having sex anyway, so I figured, why not go for the Double Dongo, Bess will probably love it. She didn't.
by Woody Tobias, Jr. February 16, 2009
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The helicopter sex move but the male ends up with his head on the floor, face down and legs in the air above the back of the female, the female is on her hands and knees.
Jenny thought she was getting it old school doggy style but then I pulled a Reverse Helicopter out of my bag of tricks! She was dismayed and delighted.
by Woody Tobias, Jr. February 16, 2009
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A Reverse Greenwood combines several other well known deviant sex acts in one, resulting in pain and humiliation for one or both partners. In the Reverse Greenwood the male performs a reverse helicopter and then, while his penis is in the female's vagina, he inserts both testicles into her anus (double dongo style) and then deficates on her lower back.
Last night I thought that Mike was looking for something under the bed, next thing I know he pulled a Reverse Greenwood on me. It was warm and troublesome. I was humiliated, completely.
by Woody Tobias, Jr. February 16, 2009
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