3 definitions by Wise old man

He is known as vein, many hold grudges against him but deep down he cares about everyone and is the ultimate gyalist. He will eventually end up with a beautiful wife.
I wish I could be a omeir
by Wise old man January 14, 2019
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Alter-Ego of a Swedish Boy. He uses this alter-ego while playing computer-games.
He´s smart and good looking.
He´s also an "Psychotic Lunatic", dont be afraid mostly he doesnt bite(Because he wears a mouth-cuff).
.Frenzy. _Frenzy_ FrenzyOne
-Do you know Frenzy?
-Ya of course, hes the man!
by Wise old man May 6, 2005
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Derived from the Phoenician word snark-you.

1) To be as rch10007 on the famous Max-Zuke forum.
2) The internet equivalent of a ankle-biter dog.
3) To interject random humor, sarcasm or unintelligible statements, never relevant to the discussion at hand.
Let's go for a long ride, Lois is snarky today. I think it's that time of the month.
by Wise old man February 11, 2012
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