1 definition by Willy Dickinson, therapist

Things that you shouldn't do, whether or not you own a ferret. Such as,
(1) Not looking where you step.
(2) Not looking before you sit.
(3) Leaving your purse unattended.
(4) Leaving doors open.
(5) Leaving cupboards or drawers open.
(6) Sleeping naked with the door open.
(7) Leaving candy or cookies or soda on the coffee table when you go to the bathroom.
(1) Dan did a ferret no-no and broke his leg in a man hole.
(2) Mike did a ferret no-no and sat on a freshly painted bench. (2) Pat did a ferret no-no and got a man hole surprise when he sat down at the nude beach.
(3) Sally did a ferret no-no and got her purse stolen out of her grocery cart.
(4) Clarence did a ferret no-no and got his TVCR stolen.
(6) Pam Anderson did a ferret no-no and it's all over the internet!
(7) James Bond did a ferret no-no and someone slipped him a mickey.
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