1 definition by Will426

1. Irish equvilent to chavs (i.e. poor and completely oblivious to that fact that no-one likes them)

Mode of transport: "pimped" Glanza's with plastic spinners
and have windows rolled down blasting dance music "re-mixed" (aka molested) to the point that it's just white noise)

Appearance: Short greasy hair (Shaved head optional)
fringe spiked with cheap hair gel.
Nylon Nike tracksuits. Female. White and pink or purple
Male. White and Navy

Cubs tend to find enjoyment from stolen PS3's or breaking glass.

2. Natural Enemy of Emo's, Metalers etc.
(Similar relationship to that of the Snake and Mongoose)
Scumbag: check i' ow'! new spoilars!

Me: Shut the Fuck Up you Dirty Scumbag
by Will426 July 27, 2007
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