3 definitions by Will K (the 'K' stands for 'Killa')

The hymen. Should only be used in a situation where a woman's virginity is confirmed by her intact membrane. Since the hymen is viewed as a corporeal representation of chastity, it is referred to as a badge.
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Vibrations, regardless of source, that are conveyed through one or more physical bodies (the most obvious being air), affect a "listening entity" and are interpreted first as "sound" and secondly as a conceptual statement, intentional or not. Generally designed by a cognizant creator, or composer. Purpose behind the creation of music ranges from the exploration of audible mathematical systems (ie: overtone series) to "shout outs" to said creator's "niggaz".
So, Wesley Willis, John Cage, GG Allin and Tupac are at a café in Hell discussing their regrets concerning their earthly musical careers...
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Vibrations that are, have been, or potentially could be heard by a listener. Generally formed by a cognizant composer, with motives ranging from mathematical beauty to "shout outs" to said creator's "niggaz".
So, John Cage, GG Allin, Wesley Willis and Tupac are at a café in Hell exchanging their infinate musical (adj.) wisdom among themselves...
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