3 definitions by Weirdass defintions

It's when you put your arm around your friend's bag strap at the end of the school day and then you both spin around in circles.
It was the end of another school day, a dude was walking with his best friend to the car parking lot and he only had one strap around his shoulder so the friend put HIS arm around the other free strap and they together spun around in circles; the act was coffee seat as.
by Weirdass defintions November 3, 2018
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Both of the shoes of the weirdest member in your friendship group.
When you're sitting in English class in front of Hitler's great-great grandson and then you look back at him and stare on the floor where his feet are standing parallel to each other it looks pretty lib koroit.
by Weirdass defintions December 29, 2018
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It is the back of your Jewish friend's head and ears.
You are sitting behind your Jewish best friend in Maths class, you look back and you see him right behind you with just the back of his head and ears visible and it looks doey bucket as.
by Weirdass defintions November 10, 2018
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