1 definition by Web Scale

Webpack is a religion aggressively evangelized by React JavaScript developers as the salvation for all programmer's sins.

Webpack programmers practice their cult worship by typing holy words into a "CLI" (command-line interface, like old MS-DOS prompts) sanctuary.

Webpack tech bros try to convert new programmers through a ritual hazing where they laugh at and humiliate a Junior Developer for not knowing how to configure Webpack.

Webpack is a religion established as an excuse for programmers to tell their boss that JavaScript needs to be compiled (xkcd comic strip, episode 303). The religion quickly evolved into the Priesthood of Webpack, a way for useless programmers to be ordained as clergy in order to defend their salary and position against new smarter and lower paid Junior Developers who actually ship value to real world users.

Webpack snowflakes get easily triggered when the unnecessary complexity of their religion is pointed out because it would mean they'd have to do real work, not just configuring their webpack builds all day long.
"Hey tech bro, do you use webpack for your builds and bundles?"
"No, I use a bash script instead, works in like 3 lines of code, no config."
"Oh, aren't you cute using your 90s technology, you just must not be smart enough to use a modern build system!"
by Web Scale October 19, 2019
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