2 definitions by Wayback Machine

backseat driver Arm Chair Athlete armchair philosopher

1. A video game enthusiast who criticizes a developers' motives/product.

2. A label used by video game developers to dismiss a consumer's requests or suggestions, which may (or may not) actually be a good idea.
We are doing the best we can, stop being arm chair developers.
"The arm chair developers on this internet"
by Wayback Machine November 14, 2017
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1. A video game enthusiast who criticizes a developers' motives/product.

2. A label used by video game developers to dismiss a consumer's requests or suggestions, which may (or may not) actually be a good idea.
We are doing the best we can, stop being armchair developers.
"The armchair developers on this internet."
by Wayback Machine April 19, 2022
Get the armchair developer mug.