8 definitions by WONDEROO!!

1.) Another word for saying "Peace". It has the same hand sign as Peace but instead it's called by the number of fingers you throw up, hence deuces.
2.) The nice and more politically correct way of saying douche. Instead of calling somebody a douchebag you call them a deucebag. ie: see Stewie from Family Guy
3.) Stewie Griffin's favorite insult.
1.) J.R: " Aite ya'll I'm out of here."
Jeremy: "Aite bruh, deuces!!!!"
2.) Chris: "Man, Dalen is such a douchebag!!"
Rocko: " I know man, but you can't say douchebag, it's politically incorrect."
Chris: "Fine he's a deucebag then."
by WONDEROO!! July 11, 2008
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