1 definition by Violiner

Dorin helps Angela pwn noobs in video games, because after all, Angela wouldn't be able to pwn the noobs without Dorin finding the noobs for Angela to pwn.

Dorin doesn't like John hugs. He likes real hugs, from real people. A John hug is just an arm around the shoulder, so no John hugs for Dorin!

Dorin is teh ruler of teh kittehs. Teh kittehs think that Dorin needs a haircut, but Dorin loves them nonetheless.

All in all, Dorin is a rather awesome person.

awesome Marjorie Angela
A: Hey Dorin, want a John hug?
B: I don't like John hugs! Give me a real hug!
A: Okay...
by Violiner February 5, 2008
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