1 definition by VenVanWrinkle
To remove the wings from a bat causing it to transform into an actual mouse. Once debat'ed a bat turned mouse (aka bat-born mouse) cannot be rebat'ed, as sufficient technology does not yet exist to perform this complex biologic process. However, a native mouse (mouse-born mouse) may be bat'ed in the right laboratory setting. Under stringent lab conditions found in only several labs in the world (most notably Lucerne, Switzerland) a mouse can be fitted with genetically engineered wings grown from tissue culture using advanced cloning technology. Fitting a mouse with these wings (bat'ing) causes the mouse to become a bat.
A notable distinction in the process of debat'ing occurs if a bat that is debat'ed was in fact a vampire. Under these conditions, a vampire bat that is debat'ed becomes a human being. A human being fitted with wings, on the other hand, does not become a vampire, rather, said individual would become Icarus.
A notable distinction in the process of debat'ing occurs if a bat that is debat'ed was in fact a vampire. Under these conditions, a vampire bat that is debat'ed becomes a human being. A human being fitted with wings, on the other hand, does not become a vampire, rather, said individual would become Icarus.
Dude, where did you get that cool-looking mouse?
I caught a bat that was flying around our attic and debat'ed it.
I caught a bat that was flying around our attic and debat'ed it.
by VenVanWrinkle February 19, 2012