4 definitions by Vadan Evneil

Brei Brei is cray cray. Brei Brei is rigging the fantasy football league with Johnny and thinks I don't know. But, I do know . Brei Brei doesn't have to worry about getting hypothermia. I DO. So, I demand Brei Brei trades me his good players and for doing so I won't tell Seth about his scheme with Johnny. And if Brei Brei does this he still won't lose the league because he already has four wins. But, if he doesn't give me the players he will be kicked out of the league. I know he was trying to rig the league with Johnny because when they got back from a 5 minute chat and I accused them of doing so, it was clear they were lying by saying they were not. They were laughing and smiling then, when I looked Johnny directly in the eye he was smirking while telling me "We're not rigging the league". L.I.A.R. But then again, this can all avoided by Brei giving me his good players.
Brei Brei needs to give Nadav his players
by Vadan Evneil October 20, 2022
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A tall, Israeli, handsome, young man who out constantly outworks his opponents in the sport of basketball. Especially Jack, Michael, Seth and Sam who he often puts in a blender. Just last week Nadav Levine hit a nasty behind the back momentum pull up on Jack, but nobody talked about it. But when it happens to him its a big deal. Now, Nadav Levine did say that he would be Jack 1 on 1; and he was incorrect, but you can't deny that he has gotten a lot better over the summer. But, there is still for Nadav Levine as he has not properly 1 on 1ed Jack yet; it has only been 2v2 king of the court iso's.
Wow, he might pull a Nadav Levine comeback.
by Vadan Evneil September 18, 2022
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Nadav Levine; An extremely sexy tall huge cock Israeli that gets every girl he could imagine, has the greatest sense of humor and extremely trustworthy. Not many know but a Nadav Levine actually has the best taste in music, best basketball and baseball skills, as well as a very talented artist. A Nadav Levine has so many rawdog KILLS that JiDion actually idolizes him. A Nadav Levine has the most GAY friend.
Wow, he's really Nadav Levineing her
by Vadan Evneil January 27, 2022
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A Jack (Or know by his friends as Jaquavion) enjoys the casual fratboi whiteclaw, Jack's top of his head looks like a distorted brown genetical error. Jack Horowitz is the biggest fratboi wannabe in ELA class Jack tends to write and ramble about his ambitions to become one. Jack also the biggest car fiend and cannot stop obsessing over his grandpa's 1776 Declaration of Independence Limited Edition Corvette.
Oh he's such a Jack Horowitz off.
by Vadan Evneil February 9, 2022
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